SMALL bag subscription
When: You'll receive a bag once a week for 31 weeks from the end of May to the end of December.
Contents: Small bags contain 5 to 6 seasonal vegetables – the best and freshest of what's available on the farm. It's a good fit for 1 person households or for two people who don't eat a lot of vegetables.
A typical bag might consist of: a bag of mixed salad, beetroot, cherry tomatoes, basil, kale and salad onions.

Payment options
1. A one-off payment of £161 before the start of the season (£7/week), payable by June 1st.
2. Two payments of £80.50 before the start of the season. We want to offer this option because we recognise that a share is a large payment to make all at once. The first payment is due at sign up and the second by June 1st.
3. Alternatively if you would like to pay by Standing Order this option is £8/week. To secure your share, we ask that you pay £8 at sign up as a deposit and then start your standing order from the second week of veg bags. If you go on holiday, just let us know the week before and don't pay your standing order that week.